Friday, December 25, 2009

The sugar cookie adventure

I was in charge of the sugar cookies this year. I also made some rice krispy squares which were way bomb. Regardless of my incredible talent for stirring marshmallows, the following will chronicle the adventure from beginning to end.

Picture 1:

Okay, so there is a reason why I am wearing a bandana. I had a cold, and I wanted to make those cookies pretty badly. The bandana was my solution. Then Mama Llama just so happened to have a camera. Haha, I asked her to take a pictuure of it. I forgot I was wearing it after a while.

Picture 2:

This is the dough rolled out, ready for cookie cutters.

Picture 3

Oh, look at the cookie cutters (: Yay Christmas spirit

Picture 4:

This is me with the cookie cutter. He's my favorite, fyi.

Picture 5:

This is me scooping the cookies off the counter before they go into the oven.

Picture 6:
These were the final product. And you can see my red fingernail polish (sort of) in this picture, too.
Well I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and that they will enjoy HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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