Friday, January 22, 2010

You don't fool me.

1. When people rinse their hands in the sink instead of washing them after using a public restroom. ...What are you doing? What could your reasoning be? Why are you pretending? We both know you didn't use soap when you put your hands under the water for .0001 seconds and then turned the faucet back off.

2. Camoflauge clothing. If you're hunting...then whatever. That's fine. If you're in the military...then that's actually cool. Proud of you. But wearing it for absolutely no reason, any and everywhere you go makes you look like a plant. A big, ugly, moving, walking, breathing, photosynthesis-loving, earthy-colored, tie-dyed plant. Maybe I just don't like camo. Or maybe someone out there just loves plants that much. If that's what makes you happy, then...neat. Just know you don't look very intimidating when you walk around Walmart wearing a jacket indtended for shooting animals you don't need to eat. Just saying.

3. I heard your entire conversation on the phone. Don't look at me like I'm rude when I make some kind of reaction to your completely inappropriate conversation in public. You're the one talking about all your personal problems in the line at the grocery store. Not my fault you can't keep your man.

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