I think that everyone has something they want.
It's difficult, sometimes, to really to come to terms with things. I don't know if I would have done things differently. I would like to be able to say I would have been more careful, but I'm awfully hard-headed and I loved dancing. I don't talk about dancing anymore. I try not to think about it, but it's awfully hard when you hear a song and automatically notice counts of eight in the beat. I get jealous of people who can go on a camping trip without worrying about whether everyone else will be hiking. Which is stupid, because I don't even like camping, but it's the kind of thing you think about when you can't. I know there are worse things, and I've been there too, but today is just hard.
I've kept my tap shoes. Which is dumb. I haven't worn them since I was fourteen, but I keep them around. They are still cool.
The scars used to bother me a lot. It probably has something to do with being a female; appearance, sadly, is worth a lot. It doesn't bother me so much these days. Which is a good thing.
But I don't know. Wondering doesn't get me anywhere. Hopefully some genius somewhere will make the perfect ankle replacement and then I'll be the perfect candidate for it. That would be dope. Even if it doesn't happen, I have faith in the Resurrection. Someday I'll be able to do any kind of tapdance I want.
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